Unique Marcel Breuer S35 lounge chair produced by Veha, The Netherlands 1930s (SOLD)
Unique Marcel Breuer S35 lounge chair produced by Veha, The Netherlands 1930s. Only 2 are known with this specific saddle leather upholstery. Most likely made to order. Veha bought the rights for this chair in the early 1930s.
Veha was the brand name of the large steel company J.B. van Heijst from The Hague, long known for the Veha heating radiators. From about 1932 to about 1937, J.B. van Heijst has also released a range of tubular steel furniture. Chairs, armchairs.
81 cm H, 60 cm W, 80 cm D.
Seat height: 35 cm.
Condition: Excellent